Kan Werkgever Contract Onbepaalde Tijd Opzeggen

The question of whether an employer can terminate an indefinite contract is a common concern among employees. In this article, we will explore the legality and circumstances surrounding the termination of indefinite contracts.

Firstly, it is important to understand what an indefinite contract entails. An indefinite contract is a type of employment contract that has no specific end date. This means that the employer and employee have agreed to a continuous employment relationship until the employee decides to leave or the employer decides to terminate the contract.

According to Dutch labor law, an employer can terminate an indefinite contract, but only under certain conditions. The employer must follow a proper termination procedure and provide a valid reason for terminating the contract. Reasons for termination can include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Employee misconduct or poor performance

2. Economic reasons such as company downsizing or restructuring

3. Illness or disability of the employee

4. Completion of the work for which the employee was hired

If an employer wishes to terminate an indefinite contract, they must provide a written notice informing the employee of the intention to terminate the contract. The notice period varies depending on the length of service of the employee, but it is usually one to four months. During this notice period, the employee is still expected to carry out their regular duties.

If the employer does not follow the proper termination procedure or provide a valid reason for termination, the employee can challenge the termination and seek compensation for wrongful dismissal. The employer may also face legal consequences for not following the correct procedure.

In some cases, an employer may try to avoid the proper termination procedure by offering a settlement agreement or “vaststellingsovereenkomst” in Dutch. A settlement agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of termination of the employment contract, including any financial compensation that the employee may receive.

It is important for employees to carefully consider any settlement agreements offered to them and seek legal advice before signing as it may impact their rights and entitlements.

In conclusion, an employer can terminate an indefinite contract, but only if they follow the proper termination procedure and provide a valid reason for termination. Employees should be aware of their rights and seek legal advice if they feel that their termination was unjust.
